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Monday, December 12, 2005
Happy Holidays Point

Carl’s Point originates on KCUP-AM radio in Newport. It is broadcast Tuesday at 7:26 a.m., and repeated on Thursday, 6:26 a.m.

The liberals have declared war on Christmas! We have to stay the course! I’m going to celebrate Jesus’ birthday the way He would want me to!

I’m going to chop down a tree and stand it up in my living room.

I’m going to string up a thousand electric lights and burn them day and night.

I’m going to climb up on my roof and put up a life-size Santa Clause.

I’m going to play Elvis’ Blue Christmas album 24 hours a day.

I’m going to max out my credit card and buy my wife a real fur coat. Also, I can’t wait to see my grandson Lester’s face when he opens his Grand Theft Auto video game.

I’m going to put a little bit of rum in my egg nog till my in-laws get here. Then I’ll put a little bit of egg nog in my rum.

I’m going to pray that My President wins His war in Iraq, and He doesn’t get caught outting CIA spies or torturing anybody, and that global warming doesn’t happen till after His shift.

And--I’m going to boycott all the stores that say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.”

Bottom line: Would Jesus, the Prince of Peace who took a vow of poverty and died on the cross want us to say “Happy Holidays?”

Case closed! Merry Christmas!

I’m Carl Estrada and that’s my point!



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