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Saturday, May 03, 2003
Karl Rove
Advisor to the President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington DC 20500

Dear Karl Rove,

You and I have something in common: We both have the same name (first name that is)--except I spell mine with a “C” instead of a “K”.

Anyway, I have an idea for you: You know those playing cards you guys put out for the “Most Wanted” in Iraq? Well, here’s what you should do--put out a deck of “Power Player” playing cards. You could have all the heavy hitters in there. President Bush, of course, would be the Ace of Spades. Cheney could be the Ace of Diamonds (cause he’s so rich!). Rumsfeld would be the Ace of Clubs (he stomps loudly AND carries a big stick!). Laura Bush would have to be the Queen of Hearts and Condi Rice could be one of the queens, too. (By the way, I heard that in the Iraqi playing cards, some of the men had to be queens because there were no women players. Hah! I bet that made them mad!)

Anyway, as America’s Number One Politician of All Time, I’m sure you’re way ahead of me in seeing the big picture of “Power Players.” Say Colin Powell is having a fight with the neocons because Rumsfeld said that the UN was irrelevant or that he was going to bomb Syria tomorrow if they didn’t turn over the Weapons of Mass Destruction that they say they don’t have, or something like that. You could tell Colin Powell that if he doesn’t play ball with the neocons, you’re going to make him, maybe the four of hearts.

Then you could put your political enemies way down there, too. You could make Hillary the two of clubs. You could make Ted Kennedy the Joker! But like I said, you’re probably way ahead of me on this. You’ve probably got ideas I haven’t even thought of!

Let me know if you want to do some brainstorming.

Carl Estrada

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