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Sunday, February 01, 2004
Ralph Nader
P.O. Box 19312
WA DC 20036

Dear Ralph,

We’re back in business! Have you heard what Howard Dean has been saying about Kerry? He says Kerry is a pawn for special interests. He says Kerry voted for the war. He says he can balance the budget but Kerry can’t. Sound familiar?

It looks like Dean is taking a page right out of the “Ralph Nader Play Book!” I think you should take the ball and run with it! Here’s what you should do: You and Howard Dean should run as Co-Presidents! That’s right, Co-Presidents on an independant ticket. Neither one of you could stand to be Vice President, but with my revolutionary idea, nobody would have to ride in the back seat! You could even split the states down the middle, so in half of them you could say, “Nader/Dean for Co-Presidents” and the other half say, “Dean/Nader!”

Then you could be like tag team wrestlers, going around the country saying there’s no difference (or very little difference) between the Democrats and Republicans. You could say that if Kerry were president, he’d be just as bad as Bush--he’d run up a 500 billion dollar deficit and give tax breaks to his CEO buddies and annihilate the environment and demolish our school systems and health systems and start wars wherever he wanted, whether anybody liked it or not.

I think this Co-Presidents idea is a no-brainer. Dean’s got all those Deaniacs who will jump off a bridge for him. You’ve got all those left-overs from the Green Party who aren’t mad at you for ruining Al Gore’s chances. You could call your followers the Greaniacs! Get it? With the Greaniac vote, you could probably get 5%, which would be enough to insure that Bush gets re-elected.

Then you and Dean can have the last laugh.

Carl Estrada



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