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Tuesday, July 08, 2003
President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

I have a theory: Where’s the one place Saddam Hussein could hide WMD(s) and they would never be found? Right in our own backyard! We have so many WMD(s) that if he hid his puny little stash in the middle of our stockpile, we’d never find them! This is just my theory, but it’s the only thing that makes sense. Let me know if I’m right.

You might have noticed that I always say WMD(s) instead of WMD or WMD’s. That because I’m confused about the right way to say it. It’s just like RBI(s) in baseball. You’re a big baseball fan--in fact, you used to own a team! So you know what I’m talking about. They used to say RBI’s for Runs Batted In, but somewhere in the last ten years or so, they started saying RBI, which I guess makes more sense because it’s not Runs Batted Ins, it’s Runs Batted In. But still, if they were really trying to be technically right, they’d say R’sBI, because it’s Runs Batted In, not Run Batted In.

You see what I mean about WMD(s). Technically, it should be W’sMD, because it’s Weapons of Mass Destruction, not Weapon of Mass Destruction (although in Saddam’s case, it might be). But everybody lately is just saying WMD. Which way is right? It’s your call. You’re the president.

On a related subject, I’ve noticed you say noo-cu-lar instead of noo-clee-ar. Funny, the way “nuclear” is spelled, I would have thought it would be pronounced noo-clee-ar. You’re the first president since Eisenhower who says noo-cu-lar. But, like I said, it’s your call. You’re the president!

Carl Estrada



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