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Monday, October 11, 2004
October 12, 2004
Mr. David D. Smith
President and CEO
Sinclair Broadcasting Group
10706 Beaver Dam Road
Hunt Valley, Maryland 21030

Dear Mr. Smith,

OCTOBER SURPRISE! I can’t wait to see your new hard-hitting, 90 minute news documentary, “Stolen Honor!” This will make the Swift Boat ads look like a Pepsi commercial! By the time you get done carving up the Flip-Flopping Frenchman, he’ll come in fourth behind Our President, Nader, and Saddam Hussein!

And rightfully so! Here is what the despicable little weasel did:

1) Used his family power to help him take butts in line to the “champagne unit” of the National Guard where he was guaranteed to stay out of the Vietnam war.

2) Wasted over a million dollars of tax payers’ money by getting flight training, not showing up for his physical, and letting his pilot’s license expire.

3) Went AWOL for more than a year and still doesn’t know where he was.

4) Went on a cocaine and drinking binge that bagged him two DUI’s and ended fifteen years ago when he started binging on Jesus instead.

And this is a man who wants to be our Commander-in-Chief and send our young men and women off to war?!

No! We must put a stop to it! That’s why America owes Sinclair Broadcasting Group a big round of applause for finally having the guts to expose the Flip-Flopping Frenchman for who he really is!

And don’t let those Liberals bully you! You have every right to order your 62 stations in 39 markets that reach 24% of US households to show “Stolen Honor!” They’re your stations! It’s a free country! The Constitution says God gave you the right to use the public airwaves any way you want!

Unless Ted Koppel wants to use his entire Nightline program to show pictures of all the servicemen and women who died in Iraq. That’s not free speech! That’s propoganda! Just because Koppel is a big-shot TV star doesn’t give him the right to go off on his left-wing rant about how war kills people! Koppel should be stopped, and the good folks at Sinclair were patriots to try!

But this is different! This is breaking news! If you don’t air this story, how will anybody ever know the Real Truth about the Flip-Flopping Frenchman? They won’t because, like you said, it “...hasn’t been out in the marketplace, and in the news marketplace.”

Right again! Everybody missed those Swift Boat commercials! And besides, even if they saw them, people have short memories! You have to keep reminding them!

No--you at Sinclair Broadcasting have a duty to order all your 62 CBS and NBC and ABC and FOX and WB and UPN to pre-empt their regular broadcasting to show the 90 minute documentary, “Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal.” Then the American people will know once and for all, if they elect the Flip-Flopping Frenchman, they’ll be picking a president who will:

1) Make up bogus stories so he can start an unwinnable war.

2) Make 80% of the world hate us.

3) Gut social security.

4) Trash our environment.

5) Bankrupt our country.

Finally! Somebody has the guts to stand up and tell the truth! Maybe when Our President gets re-elected, you can buy up all the stations! You can be the “Official Mouthpiece” of the administration! Then Our President can be sure when He’s workin’ hard to make America SAFE!, the Liberal Media won’t distort everything He does and get in His way!

Ask Putin. Ask Berlusconi. It works!

God bless America! God bless George W. Bush! God Bless Sinclair Broadcasting!

Carl Estrada



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