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Saturday, May 03, 2003
Colin Powell
Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Dear Mr. Powell,

I’ve got a tricky subject here, so I’ll get right to the point. It’s about your son, Michael. I think he’s a lot more conservative than you. I mean, if you were chairman of the FCC, I don’t think you’d be voting to deregulate the airwaves so that a few giant corporations controlled the whole shootin’ match (as if they don’t already!).

Anyway, that’s just what I think he’s going to do. I know there’s only so much you, as his dad, can do. I mean, it’s kind of like George Bush Sr. and W. You know them both so you know what I’m talking about. George Bush Sr. was a moderate Republican (I know--he didn’t seem like it at the time) and his son is a “neocon.” George Sr. tried to steer W on a moderate course, but kids these days, they just have minds of their own. I know--my son is a neocon too.

Anyway, think of it this way: Right now, we have our choice of CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNN, and FOX. Right now, when you’re having your arguments with those neocons like Rumsfeld and Cheney, like when Rumsfeld said, “We don’t need the British,” or like when he said, “My gosh, how many vases are there in Iraq,” and then you had to go smooth everything over. Anyway, when that happens, those stations always talk about the neocons like they’re right about everything, but then at least near the end of their story, they say something like, “Colin Powell said we could still use the British,” or “Colin Powell said there are a lot of vases in Iraq.” But if Michael gets his way, it’ll be like we just have one station, and they won’t even be mentioning you on the ticker at the bottom!

So could you talk to him? I’m not sure what good it will do--I know kids just don’t listen to their parents anymore. But you can’t stop trying!

Carl Estrada

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