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Wednesday, October 01, 2003
Robert Novak
Chicago Sun-Times
401 Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL 60611

Dear Mr. Novak,

Well, it looks like you got caught in the Crossfire!

It’s just like the liberals to try to politicize this issue and drag your integrity through the mud, just because you outed a CIA spy! Jeez! They make it sound like you’re a traitor or something! Here’s what you say to them: “How can I be a traitor? I’m a Republican!”

I’m glad you said you won’t compromise your journalistic integrity and reveal your sources. That’s the spirit! Just between you and me though--was it Karl Rove? The Vegas odds are on him. Cheney might have whispered something in your ear too, but this sounds more like Rove. Remember when Rove spread that rumor in South Carolina that John McCain had fathered an “illegitimate black child?” It was Rove, wasn’t it? Or was it Rumsfeld? I promise I won’t tell anyone.

It’s been a pretty bad week. First you get caught outing a CIA spy, then Rush gets kicked off the air just because he says the liberal media likes black quarterbacks, and then a bunch of NOW refugees are beating up on Arnold just because he’s been groping women for the last thirty years. Anyway, he stopped three years ago!

It’s pretty obvious the liberal media is working overtime. They want to overthrow our president and burn our flag and hand the country over to the terrorists! But it’s real Americans like you, Bob Novak, who will stop them! I say giving up the name of one CIA spy is a small price to pay when the end result is to shut up her husband who is badmouthing our president for exaggerating the truth!

God bless you, Robert Novak! You’re a true American!

Carl Estrada



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