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Thursday, May 01, 2003
Laura Bush, First Lady
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Laura,

May I call you Laura? It’s so awkward--I don’t know if I should call you Mrs. First Lady or Mrs. Bush--and then it wouldn’t be clear if I was talking to you or Barbara, so I’d like to call you Laura if that’s ok. (?)

Anyway, we have a little problem. You know that American flag pin your husband wears on his lapel? It’s crooked. Always! It leans a little bit to the left (my left, his right). Anyway, it looks bad, and I think it detracts from the image that he is trying to present to the world as a strong and forceful leader.

I wrote him a letter alerting him to this problem, but I know he’s got a lot on his mind, so I thought I’d better give you the heads up. (Between you and me, the part I didn’t tell him is that people are actually laughing at him when he’s saying something serious but they see his crooked flag pin!) We just can’t have that! How dare anybody laugh at my president! Anyway, if you could watch for it, I’d appreciate it. Just check him before he goes out the door and make sure his pin is straight. You’ll be doing your bit for National Security!

In other news, how’s the No Child Left Behind program going? Are they all caught up now?

Carl Estrada



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