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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Ralph Nader
P.O. Box 19312
WA DC 20036

Dear Ralph,

Well, you blew it again! Ralph, you’re never going to be president if you don’t sharpen your political instincts!

I see that you advised Kerry to pick Edwards for his running mate. This is advice from a guy who picked Peter Camejo as his running mate. Who?

Ralph, why didn’t you pick Edwards? He was available! You said it yourself: “Edwards has already gone through the primary campaign and has his rhythm and oratory well honed.” But no--you went and chose Peter Camejo, and now you’ve given Kerry the pick of the litter!

Vice President Camejo. Now that has a ring to it! The only thing anybody knows about Peter Camejo is he ran for California Governor and helped Schwarzenegger boot Gray Davis out. I guess he can help you get Our President re-elected, too.

WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?! The only thing I can figure is you cracked under the pressure. If that’s the way you deal with high stakes decisions, I just don’t think you’re fit to be Commander-in-Chief! What would you do the first time an airplane headed toward the White House? Would you keep reading a book to bunch of kids and look like a deer caught in the headlights just like Our President did? Do you think Peter Camejo would cover for you like Cheney did and order the plane shot down?

I guess you’re like Our President--you don’t read the papers. Also Rumsfeld--he doesn’t read the papers either. If you did, you would have noticed that not only was John Edwards available, but so was John McCain! Nader/McCain--now that would have been an unbeatable ticket. Kerry couldn’t get him--why didn’t you try? McCain would have been the war hero you need to balance your ticket.

Also, he drives a car. You need at least one person on your ticket who drives a car. Does Camejo drive?

I just think you shouldn’t be so nosy and tell everybody else their business. You don’t drive a car but you tell everybody else how to drive. You tell Kerry who to pick for his running mate after you pick Peter Camejo. Is this a preview of the Nader presidency?

By the way, I heard the Black Caucus got really mad at you for running. People could hear the shouting through the walls. Now that you don’t have to worry about getting any African-American votes, maybe you should get Trent Lott to run with you. He’s available.

Carl Estrada

P.S. If Kerry picks Edwards, will you vote for him?



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