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Friday, January 09, 2004
John Kerry for President
519 C Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002

Dear Soon-to-be-President Kerry,

Dude! Do you have any more copies of your album, The Electras?

I bid on eBay for that album you made with your band in 1961, but the bidding got way over my head! The album ended up going for over $2500! But I thought if you had some extras lying around, maybe I could buy one from you. Name your price--I’ll sell my surf board. Or maybe we could trade.

I think it’s so cool we’re going to have a president who’s a war hero and who was in a band! I played in a couple bands--we even played some of the same tunes you did--Summertime Blues, You Can’t Sit Down, Sleepwalk. What key did you do Sleepwalk in? We did it in C. Did you play Fm or Ab for the third chord. We started out playing Ab, but it really sucked, and later we found out it was Fm. It still sucked, but it was better.

My favorite part on the liner notes was when they said you played bass guitar with “pulsating rhythm” and “tremendous force.” Dude! You rock! You could use that in your campaign slogan: Elect the Dude with Pulsating Rhythm and Tremendous Force.” I know all my friends would vote for you

Give me a call if you’re ever in the area and want to jam, dude.

Brad Cahoon



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