Friday, May 23, 2003
Carol Mosely Braun
c/o Carol Moseley Braun for President
PO Box 16560
Chicago, IL 60616-0560
Dear Ms. Braun,
I watched you in the Democratic debate. You were my favorite!
I have a question I’m a little uncomfortable asking, but I’ll just come right out with it: Would you be willing to run for vice-president on a ticket with Hillary? The reason I’m asking is I’m heading up a “Dittoheads for Hillary” campaign--I know, I know--but politics makes strange bedfellows, and I think I can convince Rush that a Hillary presidency would revive his sagging career. With all the Democrats on her side and Rush Limbaugh, she’d be unstoppable. I think you and her would be a Dynamic Duo, and you’d make all kinds of history!
The other reason I’d like you to run for vice-president is then you’d get to debate Dick Cheney. It’d be like Wonder Woman vs. Frankenstein!
Carl Estrada
“Dittoheads for Hillary”
Campaign Chairman
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