Saturday, May 03, 2003
Michael Powell
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554
Dear Mr. Powell,
I heard next month your going to vote to make TV into one big state sponsored network. Kind of like FOX on every channel. Dude, that rocks!
I just think FOX is so awesome! They have the best Iraq coverage, no doubt! And when we bomb Syria or Iran or North Korea, you know that FOX will be there too. So what do we need all those other stations for anyway? Then we wouldn’t have to worry about them giving up government secrets or showing pictures of blown up foreigners and all that gnarly stuff that can just bum out your whole day.
Another thing--if we just had FOX, we wouldn’t even need a remote except to turn the TV off. Or we could just keep it on all the time and then we wouldn’t need a remote at all! Dude that would be so awesome!
Can I ask a favor? Could you be sure that when we just have one station to keep the Simpsons on? Also South Park?
Brad Cahoon
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