Saturday, January 17, 2004
January 18, 2004
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
Supreme Court of the United States
Washington, DC 20543
Dear Justice Scalia,
You won’t believe what the liberals are saying about you now! They’re saying that after the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case about Vice President Cheney’s secret energy meetings, you had dinner with Cheney. Then they say you went on a Louisiana duck hunting trip with him. Then they say--get this--they say there’s an appearance of a conflict of interest!
Can you believe the Environmental Industry?! There they go again, playing politics! Those guys at the Sierra Club are just jealous because you didn’t go duck hunting with them! Sour grapes.
By the way, how was the duck hunting? Is Cheney a good shot? Did you guys bag your limit? Did you sneak in a few extras? I guess if anybody could go over the limit, it would be you and Cheney. I mean, what’s the game warden going to do--arrest you for shooting too many ducks? If he did, you could say, “This is an outrage! I’m taking this all the way to the Supreme Court!” Ha ha--just kidding.
I hope you guys picked up all your beer cans. I don’t have anything against hunters--everybody’s got to eat--but I hate it when they leave their beer cans littering up the ground.
Anyway, I think you nipped it in the bud when you said, “I do not think my impartiality could be reasonably questioned.” End of story. I don’t know what those liberal enviros are thinking. Don’t they know they could take you on a hunting trip, a fishing trip, and to Disneyland, and you still wouldn’t make Cheney turn over those papers?!
Carl Estrada